Rubybot uses slash commands, so you can use them by simply typing / in any server
with Rubybot in it and a list of commands will appear.
To save on resources and to make Rubybot more responsive, some buttons are not persistent. This
means that they will stop working when the bot restarts.
However important buttons such as giveaway buttons are persistent
and will keep working even after the bot restarts. If these are not working please submit a
In any server with Rubybot in it, type /bugreport and fill in all the fields. Then
simply click submit and your bug report will be sent to the developers.
Whenever someone uses a command, Rubybot checks if the user has the required roles to use that
If you are getting this error, it means that you don't have the required roles to use that
Either ask a server administrator to give you the required roles or ask a server administrator
to change the required roles for that command.
If you are an administrator you can change the required roles for a command in the dashboard.
If Rubybot is saying that you are lacking permissions even with the required roles please submit
a bug report.